Area archeologica San Pietro degli Schiavoni – Nuovo Teatro Verdi


NAME Area archeologica San Pietro degli Schiavoni – Nuovo Teatro Verdi
LOCATION historical centre of Brindisi, bordered in the north by via Tarantini, in the south by via Maddalena, in the east by via Duomo and in the west by via Marco Pacuvio.
Dating Intorno all’anno 100 b.C.
OPENING HOURS from Monday to Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.


The archeological area of “San Pietro degli Schiavoni” in Brindisi is the most relevant witness of the importance that Brindisi had in the Roman times.

With its  10 x 50 meters of extension, the dig tells us about some scenes of the Romans’ lives in the old Brindisium.

The place has a large central street. Under this one we can notice two gutters. The street was filled with many houses and shops. We can see their entrances and their well-preserved mosaic and tile pavements.

The inhabitants of the houses in these zones surely were the aristocrats, as we can deduce from the presence of plenty of rooms decorated with mosaic pavements but also from the presence of the super famous Roman thermaes: the invention that made Romans be the most inventive and modern population.


If the street was very busy in the Roman times, due to the presence of the large street, of the shops or of the thermaes, during the centuries the situation has not changed: the same area hosted in the earlier ‘60s an amusement park, some circus and puppet shows and nowadays it hosts the “Nuovo Teatro Verdi” (the new theatre dedicated to Giuseppe Verdi), one of the biggest theatre in Europe to be “floating”.

From the interior of the theatre it is possible to see some excavations from its glass pavement.

Where to take photos

Piazza Vittoria;

the arc of stones;

Palazzo Granafei-Nervegna;

the Nuovo Teatro Verdi.

Città di Brindisi

Ambito BR1

Cooperativa Sociale Amani

Ministero del Lavoro

Istituto degli Innocenti


Progetto Get UP

Liceo Palumbo